This flowchart explains what and when audio feedback should be played when clicking a unit.
This chart proposes a way of how different categories of audio cues would interact with each other.
The chart suggest a potential way of how the sound design of unit shouts can work.
The mockup illustrates how skilled play can be acknowledged, without cluttering the UI. Acknowledgements for good macro play would be displayed in a large red font, as they don’t occur often. Acknowledgements of good micro play and individual unit actions would be displayed smaller and in gray.
The mockup proposes how the health bar of an infantry squad could convey to the player how many units they have remaining, as well as what the overall health of that squad is.
This graphic illustrates the game’s core pillars. It emphasizes the importance of certain features and their connections to one another, in order to inform design decisions.
We used a tastemap based on the OCEAN-model to identify the core player segment we wanted to target.
There is only one blueprint for both types pawns in the game which contains all their major functions. The individual classes inherit the defined properties and modify variables to receive their unique features, for example range, or color. The setup allows for a seamless introduction of additional classes.
Displayed is the main pawn material, where their properties are changed depending on class, team, and remaining health. As player team, color and NPC-faces change on every playthrough, a high level of modifyability was required.
To change team colors and icons on the fly, I used a function, which receives its input based on the current configuration.
The chart illustrates the first draft of everything participants will see during a playthrough.
Shown is visualization of what core gameplay would be like. This method allowed for rapid iteration during this phase of development.
The graphic shows an early draft of the field layout, that was tested in the pen & paper prototype.
Most modifications to the game layout and its rules happened in this stage. No big changes in design were necessarcy, once I started executing my ideas in the engine.
Before starting implementation, I created a diagram of all important aspects I needed to keep track of during development. This allowed for easy planning and effective time management.
I planned my characters and their motivations in a way, that they would reflect the four diametral aspects of my theme. I also established for myself, how each of them would stand in conflict with one another, to better be able to understand their motivations and their way of acting.
To always keep the player engaged, I planned to alternate the three types of gameplay I had at my disposal (Exploration, Dialogue, and Combat). I also set the tasks up in a way, that after a high-intensity fight, there would be some downtime for the player’s mind to relax, before further progressing with the story.