Work Process
Before approaching a new problem, I break it down into smaller chunks. Afterwards, I discuss my ideas with my colleagues to get feedback for further iteration.
Concepts and Documentation
To develop concepts and then present them to my team, I use flowcharts and dependency-diagrams.
This flowchart explains what and when audio feedback should be played when clicking a unit.
This chart proposes a way of how different categories of audio cues would interact with each other.
The chart suggest a potential way of how the sound design of unit shouts can work.
Concept Mock-ups
I use Adobe Illustrator, Inkscape, and Google Tables to create visual mock-ups to better convey my ideas.
The mockup illustrates how skilled play can be acknowledged, without cluttering the UI. Acknowledgements for good macro play would be displayed in a large red font, as they don’t occur often. Acknowledgements of good micro play and individual unit actions would be displayed smaller and in gray.
The mockup proposes how the health bar of an infantry squad could convey to the player how many units they have remaining, as well as what the overall health of that squad is.