Jonas K. Pastoors

 Eagles vs Rattlers


Project Information



Eagles vs Rattlers is a research game used to measure intergroup empathy bias in players. It was based on existing research designs, but gameplay features were added to examine the phenomenon in a gaming context.

DURATION: 4 months (2020-2019)


TECHNOLOGY: Unreal Engine 4


- Translating a research set-up into game mechanics

- Adapting an existing research design into Unreal Engine

- Scripting logic with Unreal 4’s blueprints

- Asset creation using Adobe Illustrator

Logic and Blueprints

To implement the gameplay logic, as well as everything required to generate, track, and measure data, I utilized Unreal’s blueprints in this project.



To allow for easy iteration, I prototype important gameplay systems. For example, I utilize a pen & paper prototype to quickly identify design flaws and change the gameloop accordingly. Usually only after having examined my concepts through these inexpensive means, i begin translating them into the engine.


Custom Assets

To illustrate the game I used both preexisting, as well as custom made assets. To create visuals (like those shown below), I utilized Adobe Illustrator and then relied on Unreal materials to give them the right color and properties.