Before investing time and resources into executing concepts in the engine, I take notes about my characters, world, and themes on paper.
For narrative tasks, I plan the different beats of my story and what spatial context to put them in beforehand.
Planning Characters and Story
After having developed my ideas sufficiently on paper, I create diagrams to get an overview of my story. On this basis, I design more complicated systems, like a way to pace my story-beats.
I planned my characters and their motivations in a way, that they would reflect the four diametral aspects of my theme. I also established for myself, how each of them would stand in conflict with one another, to better be able to understand their motivations and their way of acting.
To always keep the player engaged, I planned to alternate the three types of gameplay I had at my disposal (Exploration, Dialogue, and Combat). I also set the tasks up in a way, that after a high-intensity fight, there would be some downtime for the player’s mind to relax, before further progressing with the story.